Are you an elder or have a parent or family member who is an elder and needs a helping hand?

New Claims

The Barada Barna Charitable Trust can help our senior elders in the community.

We can assist with:

To apply for any assistance please call one of our directors and they can guide you through the process. 

Burton – Rock Art

Funerals and Sorry Business

Funerals and Sorry Business are culturally important to our mob.

It’s very important to make sure that our Elders and other sick people in our communities are kept safe.

Guidelines for caring for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through death and dying.

If there are restrictions in place on the number of funeral attendees, talk to your mob about different ways to hold the service such as using video and live streaming from your phone.

Department of Health guide
for Sorry Business.

Guidelines for caring for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through death and dying.

Department of Health guide for Sorry Business and Funerals.

Check here for information on any restrictions during the pandemic.