As a Barada Barna person, whatever your age, we are here to help you. You are welcome to come to us for help and support.

Our Objectives

Barada Barna Aboriginal Corporation (BBAC) objectives include the maintenance and support of Country, traditions, lore, language and culture as well as the provision of economic, social and cultural benefits, including housing, support and education to the Barada Barna People.

Our projects include partnering with business entities to supply training and employment opportunities as well as community oriented ventures and community services to support our people.

Since 2017, the Barada Barna Aboriginal Corporation has engaged with the Moranbah community to have NAIDOC events within the region.

From these humble events to this year, we have expanded our NAIDOC Events to include the 3 major townships within our area – Middlemount, Dysart and Moranbah.

Recently, we have been doing Welcome to Country’s and smoking ceremonies on some of the BHP Mine Sites.

Our Directors are also doing welcome to country’s and smoking ceremonies for the Isaac Regional Council during their notable events such as Mayors Charity Ball, Miners Memorial, and other events.

We can assist you with:

Fireplace excavation